A review of the current status of the studies on shorebirds in Mexico


  • R. Carmona
  • A. Hernández-ílvarez
  • G. Danemman




shorebirds, research, review, Mexico


While Mexico is a critical wintering habitat for many species of shorebirds (Charadrii) little research
has been apparently done on this issue. In order to evaluate the current status of scientific knowledge about shorebird populations in Mexico and the accuracy of that statement, we reviewed the literature on this topic published between 1895 and 2010. We registered 221 scientific reports, from which 77% was published in the last 20 years. Even though shorebird research in Mexico was headed mostly by foreign ornithologists until the 1970’s, Mexican specialists produced most of the studies since the 1990’s. Scientific papers (160) and thesis
research (30) accounted for 86% of all shorebird literature. Only four authors published more than 10 papers, which indicate a poor consolidation of research groups. 66% of the publications are descriptive. The most studied species is the Western Sandpiper (Calidris mauri) with 20 publications. 70% (149) publications deal with
shorebirds in northwestern Mexico, and 104 of them with shorebirds in the Baja California peninsula, indicating the consolidation of some research groups in that region. Although this review is probably not conclusive, the observed trends are unlikely to be modified. To sum up it can be concluded that while shorebird populations are relatively well described in northwestern Mexico, basic descriptions are still required in other areas of this country. Most of the compiled publications are available at the website (http://www.pronatura-noroeste.org/playeros) of Pronatura Noroeste.


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Ayala-Pérez, V.O. 2010. Patrones de uso durante la época no reproductiva de Limosa fedoa (Aves: Scolopacidae), en Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, México. Tesis de maestría. Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas. La Paz, B.C.S. 77 p.

Bart, J. 2006. The Program for Regional and International Shorebird Monitoring (PRISM). 701-704, en: Boere, G.C., C.A. Galbraith & D.A. Stroud. (Eds.) North America. Waterbirds around the world. The stationery Office, Edinburgh, Reino Unido.

Brown, S.C., C. Hicky, B. Harrington & R. Gill. 2001. United States Shorebird Conservation Plan. Second edition. Manoment Center for Conservation Sciences. 70 p.

Carmona, R. 2007. Dinámica poblacional y uso de hábitat de las aves playeras en la Ensenada de La Paz, como componente del corredor migratorio del Pacífico. Tesis de doctorado. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Ensenada, B.C. 270 p.

Carmona, R. & L. Sauma. 2010. Uso de dos ambientes, costero y dulceacuícola, por el playerito menor (Calidris minutilla) en la Península de Baja California, México. Ornitología Neotropical, 21: 545-554.

Carmona, R., G. Ruiz Campos & G. Brabata. 2004. Seasonal abundance of migrant shorebirds in Baja California peninsula, México, and California, USA. Wader Study Group Bull., 105: 65-70.

Carmona, R., V. Ayala-Pérez, N. Arce & L. Morales-Gopar. 2006. Use of saltworks by Red Knots at Guerrero Negro, Mexico. Wader Study Group Bull., 111: 46-49.

Carmona, R., N. Arce, V. Ayala-Pérez & G. D. Danemann. 2008. Abundance and phenology of Red Knots in the Guerrero Negro- Ojo de Liebre coastal lagoon complex, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Wader Study Group Bull., 115(1): 10-15.

Donaldson, G., C. Ityslop, G. Morrison, L. Dickson & I. Davidson. 2000. Canadian Shorebird Conservation Plan. Ottawa, en: Canadian Wildlife Service Special Publication. 27 p.

Engilis, A., L.W. Oring, E. Carrera, J.W. Nelson & A. Martínez López. 1998. Shorebird surveys in Ensenada Pabellones and Bahía Santa María, Sinaloa, México; critical winter habitats for Pacific flyway shorebirds. Wilson Bull., 110: 332-341.

Fernández, G. 1993. Importancia de la marisma de Chametla, Ensenada de La Paz, B.C.S., para la migración e invernación del playerito occidental (Calidris mauri) (Charadriformes: Scolopacidae). Tesis de licenciatura. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. La Paz, B.C.S. 50 p.

Fernández, G. 2005. Ecological and social factors affecting the local habitat distribution of Western Sandpipers wintering at Bahía Santa María, northwest México. Tesis de doctorado. Simon Fraser University. 130p.

Fernández, G. & D.B. Lank. 2006. Sex, age, and body size distributions of Western Sandpipers during the non-breeding season with respect to local habitat. Condor, 108: 547-557.

Fernández, G. & D.B. Lank. 2007. Variation in the wing morphology of Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri) in relation to sex, age class, and annual cycle. Auk, 124:1037- 1046. https://doi.org/10.1093/auk/124.3.1037

Fernández, G. & D. B. Lank. 2008. Foraging behavior of non-breeding Western Sandpipers Calidris mauri as a function of sex, habitat and flocking. Ibis, 150: 518-526.

Harrington, B.A. 2001. Red Knot (Calidris canutus). 1-32, en: Poole, A. & F. Gill (Eds.). The Birds of North America No. 563. The Birds of North America, Inc. Philadelphia. 32 p.

Hayman, P., J. Marchant & T. Prater. 1988. Shorebirds: an identification guide. Houghton Mifflin Company. Estados Unidos. 412 p.

Howe, M., J. Bart, S. Brown, C. Elphick, R. Gill, B. Harrington, C. Hickey, R.I.G. Morrison, S. Skagen & N. Warnock. 2000. A Comprehensive Monitoring Program for North American Shorebirds. Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences. 119 p.

Melcher, C.P., A. Farmer, & G. Fernández. 2006. Version 1.1. Conservation Plan for the Marbled Godwit. Manomet Center for Conservation Science, Manomet, Massachusetts.116 p.

Mellink, E. 2005. Current status of research on the shorebirds, marsh birds, and waders of the Peninsula of Baja California. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. PSWGTR-191. 149-150.

Morrison, R.I G., R.K. Ross & S. Torres. 1992. Aerial surveys of neartic shorebirds wintering in Mexico: some preliminary results. Progress notes. Can. Wildlife Serv. Canadian Ministery of the Environment. 12 p.

Morrison, R.I.G., B.J. Mccaffery, R.E. Gill, S.K. Skagen, S.L. Jones, G.W. Page, Ch.L. Gratto-Trevor & B.A. Andres. 2006. Population estimates of North American shorebirds, 2006. Wader Study Group Bull., 111:67-85.

Myers J.P., R.I.G. Morrison, P.Z. Antas, B.A. Harrington, T.E. Lovejoy, M. Sallaberry, S.E. Senner & A. Tarak. 1987. Conserva- 1987. Conservation strategy for migratory species. American Scientist, 75: 19-26.

Niles, L.J., H.P. Sitters, A.D. Dey, P.W. Atkinson, A.J. Baker, K.A. Bennett, R. Carmona, K.E. Clark, N.A. Clark, C. Espoz, P.M. González, B.A. Harrington, D.E. Hernández, K.S. Kalasz, R.G. Lathrop, R.N. Matus, C.D.T. Minton, R.I.G. Morrison, M.K. Peck, W. Pitts, R.A. Robinson, & I.L. Serrano. 2008. Status of the Red Knot (Calidris canutus rufa) in the Western Hemisphere. Studies in Avian Biology, 36:1-185.

Page, G.W. & R.E. Gill Jr. 1994. Shorebirds in western North America: late 1800's to late 1900's. Studies in Avian Biology., 15: 147- 160.

Page, G.W., M.A. Stern & P.W. Paton 1995. Differences in wintering areas of Snowy Plovers from inland breeding sites in Western North America, Condor, 97: 258-262.

Page, G.W., E. Palacios, L. Alfaro., S. González., L.E. Stenzel & M. Jungers. 1997. Numbers of wintering shorebirds in coastal wetlands of Baja California, Mexico. J. Field Ornithol., 68: 562-574.

Palacios, E., L. Alfaro & G. Page 1994. Distribution and abundance of breeding Snowy Plovers on the Pacific coast of Baja California, J. Field Ornithol., 65: 490-497.

Paulson, D. 1993. Shorebirds of the Pacific Northwest. Univ. of Washington Press, E.U.A. 406 p.

SEMARNAT. 2008. Estrategia para la conservación y manejo de las aves playeras y sus hábitat en México. México, D.F., 89 p.

Skagen, S., J. Bart, B. Andres, S. Brown, G. Donaldson, B. Harrington, V. Johnston, S.L. Jones & R. I. G. Morrison. 2003. Monitoring the shorebirds of North America towards a unified approach. Wader Study Group Bull., 100: 102-104.

Soto-Montoya, E., R. Carmona, M. Gómez, V. Ayala-Pérez, N. Arce & G. Danemann. 2009. Over-summering and migrant Red Knots at Golfo de Santa Clara, Gulf of California, México. Wader Study Group Bull., 116(3): 191-194.

Vázquez-Camacho, R. 2006. Fidelidad a la Ensenada de La Paz, B. C. S., México, como sitio de invernación del playerito occidental (Calidris mauri). Tesis de licenciatura. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. La Paz, B.C.S. 54 p.



How to Cite

Carmona, R., Hernández-ílvarez, A., & Danemman, G. (2011). A review of the current status of the studies on shorebirds in Mexico. CICIMAR Oceánides, 26(2), 47–57. https://doi.org/10.37543/oceanides.v26i2.102


