Metabolic scaling regularity in aquatic ecosystems


  • L. A. Salcido -Guevara
  • F. Arreguí­n -Sánchez
  • L. Palmeri
  • A. Barausse



Ecosystem, metabolism, scaling factor, transfer efficiency


We tested the hypothesis that ecosystem metabolism follows a quarter power scaling relation, analogous to organisms. Logarithm of Biomass/Production (B/P) to Trophic Level (TL) relationship was estimated to 98 trophic models of aquatic ecosystems. A normal distribution of the slopes gives a modal value of 0.64, which was significantly different of the theoretical value of 0.75 (p<0.05). After correction for transfer efficiency
among trophic levels a modal value of 0.726 was obtained through a least squares algorithm which was not significantly different from the theoretical one (p>0.05). We also tested for error in both variables, Log (B/P) and TL, through a Reduced Major Axis regression with similar results, with a modal value of 0.756 (p>0.05). We also explored a geographic distribution showing no significant relation (p>0.05) to latitude and between different
regions of the world. We conclude that: a)  cosystem metabolism follows the quarter-power scaling rule; b) transfer efficiency between TL plays a relevant role characterizing local attributes to ecosystem metabolism; and c) there is neither latitudinal nor geographic differences. These findings confirm the existence of a metabolic
scaling regularity in aquatic ecosystems.


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How to Cite

Salcido -Guevara, L. A., Arreguí­n -Sánchez, F., Palmeri, L., & Barausse, A. (2012). Metabolic scaling regularity in aquatic ecosystems. CICIMAR Oceánides, 27(2), 13–26.


