Identification atlas of fish larvae of the Elopomorpha subdivision of the Mexican Pacific


  • E. A. González -Navarro
  • R. J. Saldierna -Martí­nez
  • G. Aceves -Medina
  • S. P. A. Jiménez -Rosenberg



Fish larvae, Elopomorpha, Mexican Pacific, Scientific Collections


The main objective of this work is to present the species composition of the Subdivision Elopomorpha, housed in the Scientific Collection of Fish larvae from the Mexican Pacific, at the Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional. We provide descriptive cards for 23 species collected with zooplankton trawls throughout the Gulf of California, La Paz bay, the west coast of Baja California, the Mexican Central Pacific and the Gulf of Tehuantepec. Larvae belonging to the families Elopidae, Albulidae, Muraenidae, Ophichthyidae, Congridae and Nettastomatidae are included. The descriptions provide morphological, meristic and pigmentation patterns that allow to identify the leptocephalus larvae in our collection.


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How to Cite

González -Navarro, E. A., Saldierna -Martí­nez, R. J., Aceves -Medina, G., & Jiménez -Rosenberg, S. P. A. (2013). Identification atlas of fish larvae of the Elopomorpha subdivision of the Mexican Pacific. CICIMAR Oceánides, 28(2), 7–40.




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