Philosophycal analysis of systematic lists and their publication as scientific reports


  • D. Siqueiros Beltrones
  • J. de La Cruz Agüero



Systematic lists, Taxonomy, Philosophy of science, Scientific method


The position that rejects or underestimates the publication of systematic lists is contended,
showing it as symptomatic of the segregation between scientific research and its philosophy. It is
recommended that whenever these type of situations arise the philosophical principles of scientific research be called upon. Thereof, a philosophical analysis is made on what a systematic list is and should be in terms of a scientific report. Positivism is invoked as the corner-stone for justifying the work on taxonomic
inventories. However, we mainly appeal to the philosophical basis of the scientific method which may or may not be obeyed when producing a systematic list, thus determining whether if depicts a scientific report or not. On the basis of pragmatism their applied value on sustainable use of biodiversity, and biogeographical studies is supported. In this sense we analyze systematic lists as scientific products of Taxonomy, and their impact on the biodiversity crisis. A systematic list that is the product of a scientific study situated within the scope (marine, terrestrial, botanical, zoological, etc.) freely determined by the editorial committee should be evaluated under the same criterion. The editorial policies that assess them should be elaborated under the same basis. The publication of results of any scientific study are part of scientific methodology, and all scientific reports, including systematic lists abide by the philosophy of scientific investigation and should be judged on the same basis. 


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How to Cite

Siqueiros Beltrones, D., & de La Cruz Agüero, J. (2004). Philosophycal analysis of systematic lists and their publication as scientific reports. CICIMAR Oceánides, 19(1-2), 1–9.


