A numeric model for the sustainable management of fisheries


  • E. A. Chávez -Ortí­z




Fisheries simulation, optimum harvesting strategies, population dynamics, sustainable fisheries


Usual management targets of many fisheries worldwide are addressed to maintain exploitation
at fishing intensities required for the maximum sustainable yield (FMSY). However, variability induced by climate variability and economic forces, often lead to over exploitation. Traditional assessment procedures are limited to the assessment of the biological aspect of fisheries and the socio-economic and social aspects of fishing activities are generally ignored; however, this is an economic activity and in contrast, stakes holders ignore the
stock dynamics pursuing economic benefits only. This imposes a gap in the knowledge required for a complete management process. The FISMO is an assessment and management tool that allows forecasting the most likely outcome after the application of any feasible management decision by changing F and the age of first catch (tc). It uses as input historic records of catch data, parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth model, and of the length-weight. Also, socio-economic variables of the last fishing season, such as the number of boats, length (days) of the fishing season, and number of fishers per boat. The model outputs of any target are catch, stock biomass, fishing effort, economic returns, benefit/cost ratio, number of boats, number of fishers and number of fishing days. FMSY, FMEY , and B/C at the economic equilibrium level are found combining F and tc and many management options, useful for planning and co-management, with very reasonable accuracy, can be chosen without compromising the sustainability of the fishery. The software is user-friendly and can be adapted to practically any fishery.


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How to Cite

Chávez -Ortí­z, E. A. (2014). A numeric model for the sustainable management of fisheries. CICIMAR Oceánides, 29(2), 45–56. https://doi.org/10.37543/oceanides.v29i2.139


