Size structure, sex ratio and weight-length relationships of the sailfish Istiophorus platypterus from Mazatlan, sinaloa, Mexico.


  • Sheley Salcedo -Bojorquez
  • Andres Abitia -Cárdenas
  • Xchel Moreno -Sánchez



Sailfish, sport fishing fleet, weight-length relationship, Gulf of California, Mexico


We describe the size frequency distribution, sex ratio and weight-length relationship of the IndoPacific sailfish Istiophorus platypterus off the coast of Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Gulf of California. Data were collected from the sports fishery during several sampling periods from 2002 to 2009. A total of 354 Sailfish were sampled, including 185 females, 161 males and 8 of unknown sex. Total weight (TW) varied from 14 to 41 kg, and sizes
ranged between 128 and 195 cm postorbital length (PL), with significant differences between the sexes (P < 0.05). The sex ratio throughout the period analyzed was 0.87: 1 (M:H). The total length (TL) and postorbital length (LPO) of organisms were related through the linear fit model for both sexes TL = 57.204 + 1.15 x LPO (r2 = 0.65). There were no significant differences in the weight-length relationship between the sexes (ANCOVA, P>0.05).
The general equation relating weight and length for both sexes was TW = 0.0009 x PL2.009. The value of the slope b was significantly different from 3, indicating negative allometric growth (t, P < 0.05). Indo-Pacific sailfish exploitation is currently limited to the sports-recreational fishery; however, there are initiatives to promote the commercial exploitation of this resource. Therefore, results derived from this study are of importance, since they provide
basic information on the biology of this species, and can serve as a baseline for the management of this resource.


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How to Cite

Salcedo -Bojorquez, S., Abitia -Cárdenas, A., & Moreno -Sánchez, X. (2015). Size structure, sex ratio and weight-length relationships of the sailfish Istiophorus platypterus from Mazatlan, sinaloa, Mexico. CICIMAR Oceánides, 30(2), 1–6.


