An injured specimen of Carcharodon carcharias; prospective assessment of the species’ hunting costs.


  • Sergio Flores -Ramí­rez
  • Francisco Omar López -Fuerte
  • Hector Reyes -Bonilla
  • Ulianov Jakes -Cota
  • Marc Aquino -Baleytó



White shark, Carcharadon carcharias, stingray, hunting costs


Although culturally the great ti white buron (Carcharodon carcharias) as a predator invulnerable, in the present the death of a species is reported sub-adult men caught in a fishing net; specific saying Men was injured by the spine of a pelagic ray that penetrated the shark's spine, making it possible mind impaired their ability to swim. The event suggests that white sharks can be injured and even killed, while hunting dangerous prey; This raises questions from how individuals of the species make hunting decisions. The theories of "Optimal Foraging" and "Resource Search risk of predation ”combined with se technology guidance, would allow answering these types of questions


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How to Cite

Flores -Ramí­rez, S., López -Fuerte, F. O., Reyes -Bonilla, H., Jakes -Cota, U., & Aquino -Baleytó, M. (2015). An injured specimen of Carcharodon carcharias; prospective assessment of the species’ hunting costs. CICIMAR Oceánides, 30(2), 55–59.




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