Small-scale shrimp fishing in search of sustainability in the Magdalena-Almejas lagoon system, Baja California Sur, Mexico: a review.


  • Ludwig Naegel
  • Mauricio Muñoz-Ochoa
  • Lorena Maria Durán-Riverol



Bahí­a Magdalena /Almejas, shrimp fishing, livelihood, environmental sustainability


The coastal lagoon system Bahía Magdalena / Almejas (BM/A) at the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, México, is a large water body extremely important for ecological, economic and social reasons. Because of its natural environment BM/A was declared as one of the areas deserving marine conservation priority. The exact number of fishermen and their families living around the Bay is not known, and neither is the currently
registered small boats in service, nor the fishing efforts, expenses and yields. Recently, several civil organizations started working in the BM/A with the mission to solve some of the identified  environmental and social problems. However, because of the lack of reliable data, wide spread corruption, and undirected and uncoordinated research make it very difficult to suggest ways to improve the livelihood of the small-scale shrimp fishermen without endangering the environment. Some promising options are small-scale  aquaculture projects, mainly for off-shore
mollusks production, and to offer eco-tourist activities as well as eco-friendly sport fishing. Both bring local employment opportunities while maintaining a quality environment.


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How to Cite

Naegel, L., Muñoz-Ochoa, M., & Durán-Riverol, L. M. (2016). Small-scale shrimp fishing in search of sustainability in the Magdalena-Almejas lagoon system, Baja California Sur, Mexico: a review. CICIMAR Oceánides, 31(1), 45–54.


