Macroalgal assemblages on dead surfaces of scleractinian corals (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) in the Oro Verde reef, Veracruz, Mexico





Frequency of occurrence, filamentous algae, corticated foliose algae, corticated algae, phycology


Benthic macroalgae are abundant in the Oro Verde reef but their taxonomic richness was hitherto unknown and it is presumed to present settlements on the massive corals. For this reason, the present work
investigated which species of massive corals show algal colonization. Also, their taxonomic composition was
determined, and the similarity of the algal assemblages between species of scleractinian corals was measured. Ten
sampling points were systematically established in the reef, where a transect band of 50 x 2 m at each site was
placed to locate and collect algae fron the dead surfaces of scleractinian corals. The frequency of occurrence of
algae species was estimated based on the total number of coral species studied, as well as on each coral species.
Similarity and ordination analysis were applied in order to explain similarities and significant differences of the
phycological composition among the coral species. Scleractinian corals with algal assemblages were: Siderastrea
siderea, Montastraea cavernosa, Pseudodiploria strigosa, Colpophylia natans, Stephanocoenia intersepta, Porites astreoides, Orbicella annularis, Orbicella faveolata. Thirty-two species of algae were identified from a total of
100 revised coral colonies which are represented in 3 divisions, 10 orders and 15 families. The corticated, foliose
corticated and filamentous macroalgae were the most represented species. The most frequent algae on massive corals were Laurencia obtusa, Amphiroa rigida and Caulerpa chemnitzia. Massive corals with higher algal records
were S. siderea (9 species), M. cavernosa (19 species) and P. strigosa (17 species). The algal assemblages on the
massive corals presented low similarity. However, no significant dissimilar groups were detected. Only S. siderea
and M. cavernosa are relatively similar in phycological composition. The results suggest that the massive corals
of the Oro Verde reef are vulnerable to the colonization of algae, but it is necessary to investigate the conditions
preceding algal settlement.


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How to Cite

LUNA ORTEGA, I., & DE LA CRUZ FRANCISCO, V. (2017). Macroalgal assemblages on dead surfaces of scleractinian corals (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) in the Oro Verde reef, Veracruz, Mexico. CICIMAR Oceánides, 32(1), 11–24.


