An approach to the floristics and faunistics of the intertidal zone in El Pulpo rocky shore, Cazones, Veracruz, Mexico.





Littoral, rocky intertidal, low tide, algae, invertebrates, zonation


The rocky intertidal of Veracruz, Mexico is a coastal ecosystem with high biodiversity. However,
its relevance has not been recognized compared with other marine ecosystems. The objective of this study was to
develop the first floristic and faunistic lists of the rocky intertidal of El Pulpo beach, located in the municipality
of Cazones, Veracruz. Samples were taken from 2013 to 2016 in the rocky intertidal strip in periods of low tide
in order to record the marine biota and the collection of biological material for their taxonomic identification. In
addition, a bibliographic review was performed to complement the species inventory. Fifty-one species of benthic
macroalgae, one species of phanerogam, 186 species of invertebrates, and five species of vertebrates were recorded totaling 243 intertidal marine species. The Rhodophyta are the most representative of the phycoflora with 29
species, while the phylum Mollusca are the most representative of the fauna with 139 species. Most of the marine
species were recorded in the middle and lower intertidal. Consequently, the lowest richness was recorded in the
upper intertidal which consists of filamentous and foliose algae, mollusks and crustaceans with both browsing and
filter habits. This distribution coincides with those described for other rocky intertidal environments. The number
of species recorded in the rocky intertidal of El Pulpo beach demonstrates the relevance of this ecosystem. It is
thus necessary to encourage actions for its protection and conservation.


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How to Cite

DE LA CRUZ FRANCISCO, V., ORDUÑA -MEDRANO, R. E., PAREDES -FLORES, J. E., VíSQUEZ-ESTRADA, R. I., MARLENE GONZíLEZ-GONZíLEZ, M., & LILIANA FLORES-GALICIA, L. (2017). An approach to the floristics and faunistics of the intertidal zone in El Pulpo rocky shore, Cazones, Veracruz, Mexico. CICIMAR Oceánides, 32(1), 39–58.


