Redefinition of Ceratoperidinium and Pseliodinium (Ceratoperidiniaceae, Dinophyceae) Including Reassignment of Gymnodinium fusus, Cochlodinium helix and C. pirum to Pseliodinium


  • Fernando Gomez Universidade de Sao Paulo



Kirithra, Dinophyta, HABs, harmful algal blooms, new combinations, red tides, unarmored dinoflagellates


The dinoflagellate genus Cochlodinium is polyphyletic, and several bloom-forming species in this genus, such as Cochlodinium helix and C. convolutum, are in need of reclassification. The molecular data revealed that the polymorphic species Gymnodinium fusus (=Ceratoperidinium falcatum, Gyrodinium caudatum, Gyrodinium falcatum, Gyrodinium sugashimanii, Pseliodinium vaubanii) is closely related to Cochlodinium helix/C. convolutum. There are significant morphological differences among the type species of Ceratoperidinium, C. margalefii, and the aforementioned species. The recent proposal of the genus Kirithra reinforces the need of the generic split between C. margalefii and Gymnodinium fusus/C. helix/C. convolutum, instead of placing all the species under the genus Ceratoperidinium. Pseliodinium is considered the earliest available generic name, and new combinations of Pseliodinium are proposed for Gymnodinium fusus, Cochlodinium helix and C. pirum (the latter considered co-specific with C. convolutum)


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How to Cite

Gomez, F. (2018). Redefinition of Ceratoperidinium and Pseliodinium (Ceratoperidiniaceae, Dinophyceae) Including Reassignment of Gymnodinium fusus, Cochlodinium helix and C. pirum to Pseliodinium. CICIMAR Oceánides, 33(1), 01–11.


