Review of the monitoring programs and ichtyoplankton studies focused on fisheries research in the Mexican Pacific


  • René Funes -Rodriguez
  • Alfonso Esquivel Herrera



Oceanographic studies, taxonomy, Ictioplankton ecology, Mexican Pacific


Community advances in fish early life dynamics in the Mexican Pacific region are presented. The review includes historical aspects related to marine fish recruitment variability, with national and foreign researcher groups’ participation. The review cites arguments and hypotheses to explain the recruitment variability related to complex trophodynamic and physical processes that act at different temporal-space scales. It also includes a narrative about studies around the hypotheses raised, species diversity; work team consolidation; and oceanographic monitoring of the Mexican Pacific. The advance has made it possible to integrate ichthyoplankton
databases that account for the great diversity (western coast of the Baja California Peninsula, 265 taxa; the Gulf of California, 283 taxa; and the sum between the Gulf of California to Colima, 579 taxa ), as well as the influence of the different bodies of water in the region and their associated biota (Subarctic, Subtropical and Equatorial). The studies highlight the interpretation of the changes in the structure and abundance of the organisms associated with the abiotic components of mesoscale and the long term and oceanography’s role in the delimitation of the habitat requirements necessary for the growth and fish larval survival. However, other types of physiological and trophodynamic processes are still poorly understood. They must be addressed in the future, and for this, a comprehensive analysis of the relationships and changes in combination with the productivity of the oceans will be required to
achieve better management resource fishery


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How to Cite

Funes -Rodriguez, R., & Esquivel Herrera, A. (2020). Review of the monitoring programs and ichtyoplankton studies focused on fisheries research in the Mexican Pacific. CICIMAR Oceánides, 35((1-2).


