New records of planktonic dinoflagellates from the Gulf of Tehuantepec, México.


  • I. Gárate-Lizárraga



New records, panktonic dinoflagellates, Dinophysiales, Histioneis costata, Dinophysis expulsa, Histioneis pieltainii, Gulf of Tehuantepec


Seventeen new records of planktonic  dinoflagellates for the Gulf of Tehuantepec are
presented. From these, the Dinophysiales Histioneis costata, and Dinophysis expulsa are new records for the Mexican Pacific. All but one species, Gonyaulax milneri (first description) were documented with photographic images. The first image of Histioneis pieltainii is recorded in this work. General distribution of these taxa is mainly in subtropical and tropical waters.


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How to Cite

Gárate-Lizárraga, I. (2008). New records of planktonic dinoflagellates from the Gulf of Tehuantepec, México. CICIMAR Oceánides, 23(1-2), 55–65.




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