Analysis of the vertical distribution of the abundance of small pelagic fish larvae in the Gulf of California using submarine videocameras.


  • G. Aceves-Medina
  • C. J. Robinson
  • R. Palomares-Garcí­a
  • J. Gómez-Gutierrez



Vertical distribution, submarine videocameras, Small pelagic fishes, Engraulis mordax, Etrumeus teres, Sardinops sagax


Two types of underwater video cameras were used to study the distribution and vertical abundance of larvae of the small pelagic fish Engraulis mordax, Etrumeus teres and Sardinops sagax at 1 m resolution, in a locality in the north of the Gulf of California with calm conditions and high density of adult sardines. The highest average abundance (900 larvae m -1 min -1) was found immediately above the thermocline (33 m) and the pycnocline (36 m), apparently not associated with the maximum chlorophyll detected on the surface, nor to the highest density of fish adults (10 -20m). Video observations made it possible to determine the vertical distribution at a resolution impossible to obtain. through sampling with nets; but nevertheless, This is not a very useful technique in areas with high current speed.


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How to Cite

Aceves-Medina, G., Robinson, C. J., Palomares-Garcí­a, R., & Gómez-Gutierrez, J. (2009). Analysis of the vertical distribution of the abundance of small pelagic fish larvae in the Gulf of California using submarine videocameras. CICIMAR Oceánides, 24(2), 153–159.


