Sea stars (Chinodermata: Asteroidea) in rocky reefs of Guadalupe Island, Northwest Mexico.


  • H. Reyes-Bonilla
  • S. González-Romero
  • A. Mohedano-Navarrete



Echinodermata, Asteroidea, Guadalupe Island


The objective of the work was to describe the community structure of the stars of sea ​​in Isla Guadalupe, (28° N - 29° N), located west of the Baja California Peninsula. The area was visited in September 2008 and 64 censuses were made in 16 sites (3,200 m2 reviewed), both in shallow areas (0 to 10 m) as deep (11 to 20 m). From the counts, the community descriptors of density and richness, diversity (H') and uniformity (J'). On the island, only the species Astrometis sertulifera, Pisaster giganteus and Linckia columbiae. The NU- The total number of individuals found was seven and given the low abundance, no significant differences were detected between sites or depth levels with any of the indices. There is no explanation for the low number of starfish in the work area, but considering the low numbers of the populations and that Isla Guadalupe is a Biosphere Reserve, it is recommended not to grant permits for the extraction of stars from sea ​​in the area, given that the species found are part of the market for species of ornament.


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How to Cite

Reyes-Bonilla, H., González-Romero, S., & Mohedano-Navarrete, A. (2009). Sea stars (Chinodermata: Asteroidea) in rocky reefs of Guadalupe Island, Northwest Mexico. CICIMAR Oceánides, 24(2), 161–165.


