New records of Drechselia danae (Joubin, 1931) (Cephalopoda: Cranchiidae) off the Pacific coast of Mexico.


  • R. De Silva-Dávila
  • R. Avendaño-Ibarra
  • F. Garcí­a-Domí­nguez
  • R. Saldierna-Martí­nez



New Record, Mexican Pacifc, Glass squid, Crystal Squid, Chranchiidae


The presence of three adult specimens of crystal squid Drechselia danae collected from three locations in the Mexican Pacific Ocean. The basic taxonomic characteristics for its identification included the general form of the body, arrangement, type and number of tubers cartilaginous in the mantle and the number and position of the ocular photophores, among others. The presence of these adults confirms their extensive distribution in the Mexican Pacific Ocean.


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How to Cite

De Silva-Dávila, R., Avendaño-Ibarra, R., Garcí­a-Domí­nguez, F., & Saldierna-Martí­nez, R. (2010). New records of Drechselia danae (Joubin, 1931) (Cephalopoda: Cranchiidae) off the Pacific coast of Mexico. CICIMAR Oceánides, 25(1), 89–93.


