Size distribution and reproductive condition of the jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas (D´Orbigny, 1835) in the Gulf of California.


  • J. I. Velázquez-Abunader
  • M. O. Nevárez-Martí­nez
  • A. Hernández-Herrera



Jumbo squid, size frequency, size at maturity, Gulf of California, Mexico.


Variations in size frequency distribution, number of cohorts, and reproductive status of the jumbo
squid Dosidicus gigas were analyzed in samples from seven research oceanographic cruises in the central region of the Gulf of California, Mexico from 1997 to 2008. In each station we recorded sex, gonadic phase and mantle lenght for up to 25 squids. When possible, mantle length was measured for 100 squids. We defined up to three modal groups or cohorts for several months through a multinomial distribution analysis. According to the reproductive status, squids showed a long breeding season throughout the year with two major peaks that match the birth dates estimated by the age-length chart (April to August and October to February). The size at first maturity was estimated by genders; although males were mature at a smaller size than females, no significant differences between were detected. Our results suggest that size frequency distribution and
reproductive condition of jumbo squid support the hypothesis of the presence of multiple cohort in the Gulf of California, two important periods of birth, and the number of cohort’s present variation, suggesting the need for a constant monitoring of the resource for a better management of the fishery


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How to Cite

Velázquez-Abunader, J. I., Nevárez-Martí­nez, M. O., & Hernández-Herrera, A. (2010). Size distribution and reproductive condition of the jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas (D´Orbigny, 1835) in the Gulf of California. CICIMAR Oceánides, 25(2), 103–110.


