Lead and cadmium in organisms of commercial importance in the coastal zone of Sinaloa, Mexico: 20 years of studies.


  • M. G. Frí­as-Espericueta
  • J. I. Osuna-López
  • M. Aguilar-Juárez
  • D. Voltolina




Heavy metals, environmental impact, fish, seafood, coastal lagoons, state of Sinaloa


Lead and cadmium may affect the health of ecosystems and of the consumers of food items
contaminated with these metals, which are widely used in several human activities and are, in addition, among the most important products of Mexican mining activities. Agriculture is the main activity in the State of Sinaloa, and for this reason pesticides and fertilizers are important sources of contamination with both metals. In this article we revise the possible natural sources and the main human activities which may contribute these metals
to the coastal waters of the Mexican State of Sinaloa, and summarize the results of the investigations of the latest two decades on the lead and cadmium contents of the edible tissues of several aquatic organisms of its coastal water bodies. The highest cadmium concentrations were those found in the Altata-Ensenada del Pabellón
lagoonal system, possibly as a result of the agricultural activities of the Culiacán plains. Lead concentrations in bivalves seem to indicate a tendency to lower values, possibly due to the use of unleaded gasoline, although this does not coincide with the values found in shrimp muscles. In addition, all lead values are above the level indicating the presence of environmental impact. The cadmium content of some bivalve exceed the level of risk for human health, whereas the lead and cadmium contents of fish and crustacean edible tissues are below the level of concern.


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How to Cite

Frí­as-Espericueta, M. G., Osuna-López, J. I., Aguilar-Juárez, M., & Voltolina, D. (2010). Lead and cadmium in organisms of commercial importance in the coastal zone of Sinaloa, Mexico: 20 years of studies. CICIMAR Oceánides, 25(2), 101–110. https://doi.org/10.37543/oceanides.v25i2.88




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