Circadian variation of the phytoplankton community and its relationship to the species forming harmful algal blooms in the mouth of Sontecomapan coastal lagoon, Veracruz, Mexico


  • R. E. Muciño-Márquez
  • M. G. Figueroa-Torres
  • A. Esquivel-Herrera



Phytoplankton, algal blooms, circadian cycle, coastal lagoon, Sontecomapan, Veracruz


We determined the structure of the phytoplankton community along a circadian cycle and its
relation to species Harmful Algae Species (HAB), at the mouth of the coastal lagoon, Sontecomapan Veracruz, during the 27th and 28th of October, 1999. Water samples were collected every two hours employing a van Dorn bottle, to measure temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, the composition and abundance of phytoplankton
community and reviewed the behavior of ebb and flow of tides. In order to describe the behavior of the community the following criteria were used: simple dominance index, the Shannon diversity (H ‘), the Pielou equity (J`) and a canonical correspondence analysis was applied to understand the relationship between the abundance of
phytoplankton species and environmental variables. The results showed a total of 179 taxa, 27 of which form HAB elsewhere. At 11:00 hours on October 27 and 28 maximum values of H ‘= 5.8, J`= 0.9 are reported, the minimum of H’= 3.79, J`= 0.6 at 15:00 and 23:00 hours on October 27. With simple dominance index it was determined that Fragilaria exigua, F. tenuicollis, F. ulna var. ulna, Prorocentrum gracile, and Scrippsiella trochoidea, were dominant in the circadian cycle. It should be noted that salinity was the environmental factor
which most influenced the composition and abundance of phytoplankton community. 


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How to Cite

Muciño-Márquez, R. E., Figueroa-Torres, M. G., & Esquivel-Herrera, A. (2011). Circadian variation of the phytoplankton community and its relationship to the species forming harmful algal blooms in the mouth of Sontecomapan coastal lagoon, Veracruz, Mexico. CICIMAR Oceánides, 26(1), 19–31.


