A review on the evaluation research of protected marine areas in Mexico


  • M. G. Rivera
  • P. Del Monte-Luna




Evaluation Research, Program Evaluation, MPA, Management Effectiveness


Evaluation Research (ER) has its origins in the XVII century but emerges as a formal discipline in 1970. ER consists on the application of techniques used in social sciences to evaluate specific human activities. The ER design may be experimental, quasi experimental or non-experimental and must contain at least 10 basic points where the planning and evaluation are particularly important. In Mexico there have been efforts to evaluate the programs of social development since 1917. Currently, this task is performed by the National Council for Social Policy Evaluation and the assessment of all social programs is compulsory. Regarding to the administration of natural resources, ER is essential; however, papers published on the subject are scarce. In order to improve the management of the Marine Protected Areas (MPA) and to assess the level on which the goals and objectives has been reached (Adaptive Management) the ER is applied to evaluate the implementation of MPAs using different methodologies. In Mexico, the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas is in charge
of the evaluation of the MPAs; however, the methods used have proven little effective and lack of technical capacity. In the MPAs to do such assessments it is necessary to reinforce the evaluation capacity within the administration of MPA supported by civil organizations and academy. Proper assessment of MPAs in Mexico will allow the practice of a true adaptive management, to meet the implementation objectives and, above all, a clear accountability to the society on the effectiveness of MPA as a tool to manage natural resources. 


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How to Cite

Rivera, M. G., & Del Monte-Luna, P. (2011). A review on the evaluation research of protected marine areas in Mexico. CICIMAR Oceánides, 26(2), 9–17. https://doi.org/10.37543/oceanides.v26i2.99


