Author guidelines

Author guidelines 
English language is recommended for manuscript submission, although papers written in
Spanish language might be published. Notes will be published in English language. As a
recommendation, articles must include: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and methods,
results, discussion, acknowledges, and references. Words that will be printed in italics (specifically
Latin names of organisms and mathematical symbols within the text) must be underlined in the
manuscript. Measurements will be expressed as units from IS, using the abbreviation of the
International Standards Organization (ISO). Geographic localization will be expressed as latitude
and longitude using N, S, W, E.
The Title must be presented in both English and Spanish; descriptive (informative) type is
preferred from indicative or thematic; a short, abbreviated title must be included, which must not
exceed 40 characters. Following, the names, institution and address of the author (including the
correspondence email) and co-authors must be indicated, differentiating each institution of the
participants with consecutive Arabic numbers.
The abstract must be sent in both English and Spanish languages (300 words limit),
including in a single paragraph objectives, results, and conclusions, mentioning the essentials of
the new contributed knowledge; bibliographic references will be accepted only when they are
necessary. Must contain 2-3 phrases introducing the subject, the contents of the research and the
state of the art; 2-3 phrases where the results are highlighted in a general context that shows an
advance of the subject and a postulate with the main conclusions.
Five keywords not included within the title must be required in both English and Spanish,
which allow to identify the contents of the research in electronic databases.
Tables and figures, as well as their captions, must be presented consecutively with Arabic
numbering in separated pages. The captions must be short and explicative. The repetition of
information between tables and figures must be avoided. Tables and figures will be cited inside
the body text by their number (figures in abbreviated form i.e. Fig.). The first reference in the text
for a figure or table must be indicated in the margin of the body text. Tables must be designed to
be adjusted to the printed page. There will be no vertical lines but only below the first and the last
The printed version will include only high-quality photos in greyscale. The colored
illustrations will be presented only in the online version (PDF). The bibliographic references must
be in alphabetic order. In cases where the reference includes the same authors, the list must be
ordered chronologically. References must include full title and page number.
Writing style of submissions in CICIMAR Oceánides
In-text citations must be included at the end of a sentence as needed and enclosed by
parenthesis. When the in-text citation is included, only the year of publication must be written in
parentheses. The in-text citation must include the last name of the main author or both last names
of a coauthor separated by an ampersand mark (&), preceded by a coma and the year of publication.
The notation et al., highlighted and followed by a coma, must be included after the main author’s
last name if more than two authors are present in the citation.
Reference list
Reference list must be presented in alphabetic order. The following are some examples of
how the references list must be presented in any manuscript summited to CICIMAR
Oceánides. Journal title must be abbreviated following the style from Thompson/Clarivate
analytics Web of Science abbreviation list. Every abbreviated word must be followed by a period
Journal article
Emery, A. R. (1972). Eddy formation from an oceanic island: ecological effects. Caribb. J. Sci.,
12: 121-128.
Kaya, A., B. Demirci & K. H. C. Baser. (2003). Glandular trichomes and essential oils of Salvia
glutinosa L. S. Afr. J. Bot., 69(3): 422-427.
Amador-Buenrostro, A., A. Trasviña-Castro, A. Muhlia-Melo & M.L. Argote-Espinoza. 2003.
Influence of EBES seamount and Farallon basin on coastal circulation in the Gulf of
California, Mexico. Geofis. Int., 42(3): 407-418.
Snedecor, G. W. & W. G. Cochran. 1989. Statistical Methods, Eighth Edition. Iowa State
University Press. Ames., 503 p.
Book Chapter
Boehlert, G.W. & A. Genin. 1987. A review of the effects of seamounts on biological processes.
319-334, In: Keating, B., P. Fryer, R. Batiza, & G. Boehlert (Eds.), Seamounts, Islands
and Atolls. Geoph Mono, vol. 47. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC.
McCune, B. & M. J. Mefford. 2016. PC-ORD. Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data.
Version 7. MjM Software Design, Gleneden Beach, Oregon, U.S.A.
R Development Core Team (2018). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R
Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. ISBN 3-900051-07-0, URL
DOI and URL references
DOI and URL must be included at the end of the reference. When URL is presented, a date of
last visit must be included (in the same language of the manuscript).
Please consult a recently published issue of CICIMAR Oceánides as reference


Originality letter

The following is an example of the originality letter that is requested as a requirement for the submission of new manuscripts:


Dear Editor:

I have attached a manuscript describing [main topic of the manuscript].

In this context, this letter constitutes a declaration of originality concerning the material in the manuscript entitled [title of manuscript] intended for publication in CICIMAR Oceánides.

The signature on this letter endorses the statement that the cited work is original and does not contain unidentified material (e.g., text, illustrations) from other copyrighted or unpublished works, that I have provided the complete source for such copyrighted or unpublished works, and that I understand that the refusal of the copyright owner and the owner of any other rights to grant written permission to CICIMAR Oceánides means that such material must be removed from my work.

I also declare that the text of the manuscript as a whole was not created through pre-trained models of text generation or artificial intelligence (AI) language processing or that the use of such technologies was only for improving and revising the manuscript.

My signature also indicates the understanding that CICIMAR Oceánides may submit the present manuscript to any online text and content similarity checker. If any significant indication of similarity is found, CICIMAR Oceánides will not be able to publish the manuscript.

Finally, this document certifies that the inclusion of all co-authors in the manuscript is done with their full authorization and is justified since they have all contributed what is necessary to be recognized with the co-author status.

I thank you in advance for the editorial handling of our article. Yours sincerely.

Sincerely yours,


