Avifaunal community structure associated to El Conchalito mangrove, BCS, Mexico under different tide conditions


  • Gerardo Verdugo Dí­az CICIMAR
  • Sofia Aytana Verdugo Moreno
  • Danna Esthela Rodrí­guez Olachea
  • Erick Rodrigo Ojeda Ramos




Water-fowl, community structure, ecological indices


The importance in the study of avian community structure relates to their relevant role in the
ecosystem. Specially, when they are exposed to collateral damage by anthropogenic activities. The goal of this
research was to determine the variation of avian community structure in the mangrove forest El Conchalito, BCS
through the use of ecological indices such as diversity (H’), dominance (D), and the biological value index (IVB)
in April-June of 2016 during the seasonal transition from Spring-Summer. To describe the environmental frame,
measurements of temperature, noise level, and chlorophyll a were made, and other climatological data were used.
A total of 15 species of aquatic, marine or shore birds were recorded (5 orders, 7 families and 9 genera), and 3
species of terrestrial birds (2 orders, 2 families and 3 genera). Maximum bird abundances were observed during
the first sampling. Diversity values varied between H´= 1.1 and H´= 1.8, with maxima at the beginning and at
the end of the study period. This was related with the low tides and the increase of species richness, respectively.
Noise level and chlorophyll a concentration, were not associated directly with the changes observed in the community structure. Species richness was associated directly with temperature increase. The most important bird
species were: Egretta thula (96.9%), Zenaida asiatica (88.7%), Numenius phaeopus (86.8%), and Egretta rufescens (83.8); less important was Ceryle alcyon (28.2). Three species protected under NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010
were identified.


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How to Cite

Verdugo Dí­az, G., Verdugo Moreno, S. A., Rodrí­guez Olachea, D. E., & Ojeda Ramos, E. R. (2017). Avifaunal community structure associated to El Conchalito mangrove, BCS, Mexico under different tide conditions. CICIMAR Oceánides, 32(1), 01–09. https://doi.org/10.37543/oceanides.v32i1.191


