Review of some aspects of the early life history of marine fish and their implications in the biogeographic distribution

egg and marine fish larvae and biogeography


  • Gerardo Aceves -Medina CICIMAR Departamento de Plancton y Ecologí­a marina INSTITUTO POLITECNICO NACIONAL
  • Emilio Inda Díaz
  • Oscar Ubisha Hernández Almeida
  • Indra María Álvarez-Ramírez



Biogeografía, dispersión, distribución, ictioplancton, vicarianza


The objective of this work was to carry out a review of the knowledge of the early life history of marine fish with implications on the biogeographic analysis, by developing the following questions: What determines the distribution of fish larvae in the pelagic environment?, How fish larvae distribution affect the general distribution of the species? These questions were analyzed according to the hypothesis about the larval ecological requirements, their morphological and functional characteristics, as well as their fidelity to the reproduction areas, emphasizing the implications they represent for dispersal vs. vicariance


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How to Cite

Aceves -Medina, G., Inda Díaz, E., Hernández Almeida, O. U., & Álvarez-Ramírez, I. M. (2020). Review of some aspects of the early life history of marine fish and their implications in the biogeographic distribution: egg and marine fish larvae and biogeography. CICIMAR Oceánides, 35((1-2).




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