Primary productivity stimation during autumm-winter in Bahía de La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico.


  • G. Verdugo-Dí­az
  • M. O. Albáñez-Lucero
  • R. Cervantes Duarte



Primary productivity, natural fluorescence, stratification, euphotic zone, El Niño


We analyzed the variability of primary productivity in Bahía de La Paz during November 1997 and 2000, January 1998 and February 2001. Water was identified in the Gulf of California in higher proportion; Surface Water and Water Subsuperficial Equatorial Subtropical. In November 1997 we saw the average maximum temperature (~ 27.62 ° C) in February and the lowest value (~ 19.16 ° C). The index of Simpson (Ö) indicated that during November 1997 (~ 286.6 J-3 m) column of water with greater stratification, while in November 1998 (~ 60.4 m J-3) and February 2001 (~ 94.5 J m-3) was mixed. In November 1997 there were low values of nitrate (~ 1.52 µM), nitrites (~ 0.04 µM) and chlorophyll a (Cla ~ 0.44 mg m-3). In February
2001, there were larger values of nitrate (~ 7.46 µM), nitrites (~ 0.76 µM) and chlorophyll a (Cla ~ 1.07 mg
m-3). The primary productivity and integrated surface presented their highest averages in November 2000 (C ~ 5.09 mg m-3 h-1 and 75.54. mg m-2 h-1) and minimum in November 1997 (C ~ 2.93 mg m-3 h-1 and ~ 55.29 mg m-2 h-1), respectively. According to previous research, reported productivity values are characteristic of the cold season of the bay with exception of November 1997, which showed influence of El Niño.


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How to Cite

Verdugo-Dí­az, G., Albáñez-Lucero, M. O., & Cervantes Duarte, R. (2008). Primary productivity stimation during autumm-winter in Bahía de La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico. CICIMAR Oceánides, 23(1-2), 45–53.


