Ecosystem level effects of the small pelagics fishery in the Gulf of California


  • P. Del Monte-Luna
  • S. E. Lluch-Cota
  • C. J. Salvadeo
  • D. Lluch-Belda



Climate change, collapse, ecological modeling, Pacific sardine, recovery, trophic relationships


Documentary scientific evidence supports the notion that the small pelagics fishery in the Gulf of
California does not measurably affect the physical habitat or the functional relationships between the species comprising the pelagic ecosystem. Also, there is little information that suggests any negative effects of the small pelagic fishery operations on critically endangered, endemic species, i.e., vaquita and totoaba. Under the current management regime, small pelagics fishery in the Gulf of California has recovered twice from collapses during the last 30 years. Although the small pelagics abundance varies greatly, the long-term productivity of the target species and the structure and function of the pelagic ecosystem are not compromised because the fishery relies on a suitable logistic and administrative platform, which is consistent with international standards for responsible fisheries, precautionary approach and ecosystem-based fisheries management principles.


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How to Cite

Del Monte-Luna, P., Lluch-Cota, S. E., Salvadeo, C. J., & Lluch-Belda, D. (2011). Ecosystem level effects of the small pelagics fishery in the Gulf of California. CICIMAR Oceánides, 26(1), 51–61.


