Variability in the biochemical composition of particulate organic matter in a bay of the Gulf of California, Mexico


  • G. Verdugo-Dí­az
  • A. Martí­nez-López



Particulate organic matter, carbohydrates, proteins, chlorophyll, metabolites


We present the distribution during 1991-1993 of the particulate organic matter (POM) as well as its biochemical composition in Bahía Concepcion, Gulf of California. From its correlation with the  chlorophyll, we calculated the contribution of phytoplanktonic and non-phytoplanktonic particles to total organic matter. The concentration of chlorophyll registered its maximum values during the cold season, mainly in the first two years. The concentration of carbohydrates registered  important changes associated with year-to-year variation. During 1991 and 1993 carbohydrate concentrations did not vary greatly between months, whereas in 1992 a marked increase was registered during the summer. Protein maximum values were associated with the cold season, whereas minima were recorded mainly in the warm months during 1991 and 1993, however, during
1992 the behavior was reverse. Both the  concentrations of carbohydrate and protein showed low coefficients of determination in relation to chlorophyll (r2 <0.40), which may suggest the implication of an alternate source of these phytoplankton metabolites. By means of the carbohydrate/protein ratio we determined that the particulate organic matter presented a higher nutritional quality during the cold season.


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How to Cite

Verdugo-Dí­az, G., & Martí­nez-López, A. (2011). Variability in the biochemical composition of particulate organic matter in a bay of the Gulf of California, Mexico. CICIMAR Oceánides, 26(2), 1–8.


