Biotechnical potential of sponges in new pharmaceutics production: perspectives and limits


  • R. N. íguila-Ramí­rez
  • C. J. Hernández-Guerrero
  • B. González-Acosta



Biotechnology, sponge, bacteria, drugs


The search for natural products with pharmacological activity of marine sponges has great potential due to the interesting activities that some compounds have in clinical trials, mainly in the search of anticancer and antiviral compounds. However, there are various problems that may limit the development of a new compound. In this review we intended to give an overview of the perspectives and limitations that occur in the search of new compounds from sponges of the natural environment, in the establishment of culture of sponges, primorph and steam cells as an alternative, or isolated bacteria from sponges which are the metabolites producers to development genetic modifications for a biotechnological production.


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How to Cite

íguila-Ramí­rez, R. N., Hernández-Guerrero, C. J., & González-Acosta, B. (2011). Biotechnical potential of sponges in new pharmaceutics production: perspectives and limits. CICIMAR Oceánides, 26(2), 31–46.




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