Biological and economical issues that explain contradictory fisheries politics in the European Union


  • Fernando González -Laxe



fisheries, European Union, fishery politics, fishery economics, bioeconomical model


The document of the European Commission entitled “Communication from the Commission concerning a consultation on Fishing Opportunities” [COM (2011) 298 final] confirms the actual complexity and the problems regarding fisheries management, when it declares “the fact of overfishing assumes that the catches are made too soon, that catch size is too small, and also that too much fuel is consumed”. The May 2010 report on
the feasibility for fishing in waters of the European Union (EU) for 2011, confirms the failure of the implemented measures since the approval of the new reform of the Communitary Fishery Policy (CFP). This documentation has been completed with new reports from the EU in which arguments to undertake new reforms are broaden, i.e., those related to the legislation proposals for the Base Regulation of the CFP [COM (2011] 425 final) and
for the Market Policy [COM (2011) 416 final]; together with a communication on External Dimension of the CFP (COM(2011) 424 final); and an report on the aspects on regulation that affect resources conservation, access within 12 miles, sustainability, and the adjustment of the Fishing Capacity [COM (2011) 418 final]. This paper links the reasoning for the failure of the fisheries policy on the basis of bio-economical models, and underlines the actions underway for guaranteeing the objectives for the year 2015, as agreed by the States Members of the EU in the Sustainable development summit held in Johannesburg.


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How to Cite

González -Laxe, F. (2015). Biological and economical issues that explain contradictory fisheries politics in the European Union. CICIMAR Oceánides, 30(2), 13–25.


