Considerations on the behavior and phases of the fisheries consumption


  • Fernando González -Laxe



Fisheries produtcs, consumption, expenses, distribution, feeding behavior


The fishing activity has a key role in terms of income and employment, and it also guarantees access to food and food security. 56 million people are estimated to work in this field, three fold if we include aval and amont activities. Almost 40% of the fishing production is sold in world markets and its value represents 146000 million dollars. These figures are higher than those coming from coffee, banana, cocoa, tea, tobacco or sugar. Fishing activities contribute to food security by providing the population with an essential nutritional content -they account for 17% of animal protein and 6.7% of the yearly protein intake. In this paper, recent food patterns are analyzed and the different stages in the consumption of fishing products are described by taking into account recent changes in this field. The three mayor transformations stem from the consolidation of a vast global market, from technical innovations in vessels and from improvements in preservation procedures and in the quality of fishing products.


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How to Cite

González -Laxe, F. (2017). Considerations on the behavior and phases of the fisheries consumption. CICIMAR Oceánides, 32(2), 25–34.


