Applications of the Path dependence theory: common fisheries policy (EU) and the fisheries policies in Mexico


  • Germán Ponce -Dí­az
  • Fernando González -Laxe



path dependence, fisheries policy, European Union, Mexico, Institutions and fisheries


The concept of path dependence is used in social sciences to understand economic systems. From this concept its analytical application is addressed to fisheries policy in two different contexts such as the European Union and Mexico. The European Commission is beginning to address the producer´s views on consequences and impacts resulting from adjustments; buyback fleet programs; fishing rights and access conditions, or social and economic impact on fishing regions. Meanwhile in the case of Mexico, the settlement process and emphasis of fisheries policy in its regulations and administrative programs are identified with social demands, and since the 80´s and 90´s the economic efficiency elements take more of an increasingly role, and a recent aspect of sustainability tries to be incorporated into the fisheries and aquaculture policies.


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How to Cite

Ponce -Dí­az, G., & González -Laxe, F. (2017). Applications of the Path dependence theory: common fisheries policy (EU) and the fisheries policies in Mexico. CICIMAR Oceánides, 32(2), 63–74.


