
  • Fernando González -Laxe
  • Germán Ponce -Dí­az



Fisheries regulation, European community, Common Fishery Politics


This work focuses on addressing the reactions of the fisherman to adaptation of European Community decisions based on fisheries regulation and price interventions mechanisms. The estimated results prove that the actions put into operation do not achieve, in the entirety, achieve their objectives and the attitude of fishermen does not go into converge with the CFP postulate. The fishermen apply reasoning focused on three approaches: maximizing the profit; creation and justification of ideal behaviours; and the claim of social and territorial rights. Our contribution contextualizes the behavioural logics of fishermen: productivity, traditional and adaptive in relation to the implementation of the CFP directives.


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How to Cite

González -Laxe, F., & Ponce -Dí­az, G. (2021). THE FISHERMAN’S BEHAVIOR IN THE FACE OF DECISIONS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY. CICIMAR Oceánides, 36(1-2), 19–30.


