Shellfish fisherwomen in Galicia: professionalization and environmental commitment


  • Fernando González -Laxe



Women, gender perspectives, shellfish, sustainability, Galicia


Shellfish gathering is a traditional activity. It is mostly a part-time job using basic production methods in sandy intertidal zones. It was a survival activity traditionally performed by women for years. Shellfish they gathered was neither very popular nor highly valued in the markets. Public administrations have enforced policies to regulate and avoid overexploitation of shellfish areas since the mid-1950s. Shellfish gathering is the main source of wealth for those who perform this activity. Women have become key in making this job professional, particularly in empowering and decision-making processes. However, this improvement is also bringing men into this activity. This paper analyzes the role of shellfish fisherwomen from an economic and environmental point of view under the framework of the Objectives for Sustainable Development, given that their work implies commitments and tasks stated in those Objectives. Results show that shellfish fisherwomen meet most of the Objectives, thus integrating sustainability and responsibility principles.


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How to Cite

González -Laxe, F. (2024). Shellfish fisherwomen in Galicia: professionalization and environmental commitment. CICIMAR Oceánides, 38(2), 19–32.